Friday, March 15, 2013

The start of a Wedding

So here is the short version of the story. My fiance and I have a 7 month old son and have been trying to plan our wedding. Originally we had a budget and quite a few details worked out, but due to family issues we lost all of that and had to start over with nothing but my dress. I was extremely depressed for a couple months every time I thought about the wedding because I couldn't see how it was over going to happen with our lack of money. But it is starting to come together and I am starting to get excited!

I see these blogs about how people have done weddings for 100 guests with only $10,000. As if that is a budget wedding!!! Maybe for some people, but not for us. We have maybe $2000 dollars, but I think we can do it!

So here is how I am creating my dream wedding (or something close to it) using only the money two college students with a baby can scrounge up.

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